All the chats in Puebla

  1. Chats in Ocoyucan
  2. Chats in Oriental
  3. Chats in Pahuatlán
  4. Chats in Palmar de Bravo
  5. Chats in Pantepec
  6. Chats in Petlalcingo
  7. Chats in Puebla
  8. Chats in Quecholac
  9. Chats in Rafael Lara Grajales
  10. Chats in San Andrés Cholula
  11. Chats in San Felipe Teotlalcingo
  12. Chats in San Gabriel Chilac
  13. Chats in San Gregorio Atzompa
  14. Chats in San José Chiapa
  15. Chats in San José Miahuatlán
  16. Chats in San Martín Texmelucan
  17. Chats in San Matías Tlalancaleca
  18. Chats in San Miguel Xoxtla
  19. Chats in San Nicolás Buenos Aires
  20. Chats in San Nicolás de los Ranchos
  21. Chats in San Pedro Cholula
  22. Chats in San Salvador el Seco
  23. Chats in San Salvador el Verde
  24. Chats in San Salvador Huixcolotla
  25. Chats in Santa Inés Ahuatempan
  26. Chats in Santiago Miahuatlán
  27. Chats in Santo Tomás Hueyotlipan
  28. Chats in Soltepec
  29. Chats in Tecali de Herrera
  30. Chats in Tecamachalco
  31. Chats in Tecomatlán
  32. Chats in Tehuacán
  33. Chats in Tehuitzingo
  34. Chats in Teopantlán
  35. Chats in Tepanco de López
  36. Chats in Tepango de Rodríguez
  37. Chats in Tepeaca
  38. Chats in Tepeojuma
  39. Chats in Tepexi de Rodríguez
  40. Chats in Tetela de Ocampo
  41. Chats in Teteles de Avila Castillo
  42. Chats in Teziutlán
  43. Chats in Tianguismanalco
  44. Chats in Tilapa
  45. Chats in Tlachichuca
  46. Chats in Tlacotepec de Benito Juárez
  47. Chats in Tlahuapan
  48. Chats in Tlanepantla
  49. Chats in Tlaola
  50. Chats in Tlapanalá

Puebla is one of the thirty-one states that, together with Mexico City, form the United Mexican States. Its capital and most populated city is Puebla de Zaragoza. It is located in the eastern region of the country, bounded on the north by Tlaxcala and Hidalgo, on the northeast by Veracruz, on the south by Oaxaca, on the southwest by Guerrero and on the west by Morelos and the state of Mexico. With 6 168 883 habs. In 2015 it is the fourth most populated state -behind the State of Mexico, Veracruz and Jalisco- and with 168.56 inhabitants / km² it is the sixth most densely populated, behind the State of Mexico, Morelos, Tlaxcala, Aguascalientes and Guanajuato. It was founded on December 21,1823.

The state of Puebla has been of great importance in the history of Mexico. The oldest remains of corn and sweet potato cultivation in the Tehuacán region have been found there. It was the scene of pre-Hispanic cities as important as Cantona and Cholula. During the viceregal period, the city of Puebla became the second most important city in New Spain, thanks to its strategic location between Mexico City and the port of Veracruz. At the end of the 19th century, the state was one of the first to industrialize, thanks to the introduction of mechanical looms that favored the development of textile activities.

In spite of all this, in more recent dates, municipalities in the Mixteca, Sierra Norte and Sierra Negra regions have become net expellers of population, whose main destinations are Mexico City, and for two decades the United States.
