All the chats in Mexico City

  1. Chats in Azcapotzalco
  2. Chats in Benito Juárez
  3. Chats in Coyoacán
  4. Chats in Cuajimalpa de Morelos
  5. Chats in Cuauhtémoc
  6. Chats in Gustavo A. Madero
  7. Chats in Iztacalco
  8. Chats in Iztapalapa
  9. Chats in Magdalena Contreras
  10. Chats in Miguel Hidalgo
  11. Chats in Milpa Alta
  12. Chats in Tláhuac
  13. Chats in Tlalpan
  14. Chats in Xochimilco
Mexico City

Mexico City, formerly known as the Federal District, is one of the 32 states of Mexico, as well as the capital of the United Mexican States, located in the Valley of Mexico, at an average altitude of 2240 m s. N. M. It has an area of ​​1495 km², and it is administratively divided into 16 districts. Its population is approximately 8.9 million inhabitants. However, when the Metropolitan Area of ​​the Valley of Mexico is also considered, it adds a total population of more than 21 million inhabitants, which places it in the ninth position of the largest and most populated urban agglomerations in the world, and with it the largest in the American continent and the Spanish-speaking world.

It is the largest urban center of the Mexican Republic and also its main political, economic, social, academic, financial, business, tourist, artistic, cultural, communications, entertainment and fashion center. It has been the scene of several of the most important historical and media events in that nation. Mexico City had a GDP, in 2017, of 568,445 million dollars, with an average growth in that year of 3.2%. These figures represented 17% of the total national GDP, being the main economy of Mexico, besides representing a contribution of 25% to the economic growth of the country that year, cataloged as a global city, it is one of the most important financial and cultural centers. Important in the world, with one of the most dynamic economies internationally, and is number fifteen worldwide, by the size of its GDP.

There is no scientific consensus on the date of the founding of the city, but it could have happened at the beginning of the 14th century. Correlations made in the period of New Spain placed the foundation carried out by the Mexicas on March 13,1325, in the center of Lake Texcoco, with the name of Mexico-Tenochtitlan, which became, over time, in the capital of the Mexica Empire. On August 13,1521, the Mexicas were defeated with the capture of the city, at the hands of the Spaniards, an event that marked the beginning of the viceregal era.

In 1535, the Viceroyalty of New Spain was officially created, and the new Mexico City was established on top of the ancient Mexico-Tenochtitlan, recognized by a royal cedula, of 1545, as Very Noble, Insigne, Very Loyal and Imperial City of Mexico by Carlos I of Spain At that time, it was declared the capital of the viceroyalty, and from then on it functioned as the political, financial and administrative center of the territories of the Spanish Empire in North America, Central America, Asia and Oceania. The Spanish dominion of that time on the capital city came to an end when the war of independence ended in 1821, with the entry of the Trigarante Army into the city. The status of the seat of government was ratified in the Act of Independence of the Mexican Empire, which named it Capital of the Empire. In 1823, with the proclamation of the First Federal Republic, the First Mexican Empire officially ended, and on November 18,1824, the Congress decided to create a Federal District, to house the Executive, Legislative and Judicial powers in a territory that it did not belong to any particular state, in order to avoid the hegemony of one state over the rest of the federation.

Thanks to Fr Servando Teresa de Mier and to some other people who supported his cause, Mexico City was chosen as the place where the powers of the union were concentrated. The municipal freedoms of the Federal District were extinguished in 1929. The progressive modifications to the city's status began in 1988 with the conformation of a legislative body of popular election, they continued in 1997 with the election of an own executive power. Since then, a majority of the inhabitants of Mexico City have decided to elect center-left / left heads of government for the capital.