All the chats in Tlalpan

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Tlalpan is one of the 16 territorial demarcations of Mexico City. Its territory represents 20.7% of the total of the city, being the delegation with the greatest territorial extension. More than 80 percent of its territory is conservation land, offering important environmental services such as: recharge of aquifers, generation of oxygen and capture of carbon dioxide. Account with the forest of Tlalpan where the families go to make sport activities and the Brotantes Sources,. Its geographical limits are set by the Decrees of 1899 and 1970, which mention that it limits the north with the delegations Magdalena Contreras,Álvaro Obregón and Coyoacán. To the east with Xochimilco and Milpa Alta.

To the south with the State of Morelos, and to the west with the State of Mexico corresponding to the municipalities of Xalatlaco and Ocoyoacac and the Magdalena Contreras delegation.