All the chats in Arequipa

  1. Chats in Province of Arequipa
  2. Chats in Province of Camaná
  3. Chats in Province of Caravelí
  4. Chats in Province of Caylloma
  5. Chats in Province of Islay

Arequipa is one of the twenty-four departments that, together with the Constitutional Province of Callao, form the Republic of Peru. Its capital and most populated city is Arequipa. It is located in the south of the country, bounded on the north by Ayacucho, Apurímac and Cuzco, on the east by Puno, on the southeast by Moquegua, on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the northwest by Ica. With 63 345 km² it is the sixth most extensive department -behind Loreto, Ucayali, Madre de Dios, Cuzco and Puno- and with 1 152 303 inhabitants in 2007 it is the eighth most populated -behind Lima, Piura, La Libertad, Cajamarca, Puno, Junin and Cuzco. It was founded on August 15,1540.

It has 528 km of coasts in the Pacific Ocean -the most extensive regional coastline-. The coastal zone is one of the driest portions of the coastal desert, meanwhile the Andean interior presents steep valleys and canyons. The department has a population of 1.15 million inhabitants, 71.3% of whom reside in the capital, the city of Arequipa. The average educational level is higher than the national average. It has an illiteracy rate of 4.9% and 10% of the population has higher education. It has eight provinces, of which the most developed by the volume of their economic contributions are Arequipa, Islay and Caylloma. The main cities of the region, are first, the capital, Arequipa, for its trade and industries. Tourism is also important in Arequipa.

The Cerro Verde mine is an important part of its economy, followed by the city of Mollendo, by the port of Matarani, beach tourism and agriculture, soon by the petrochemical industry and the Tía María mine, followed by the town of Chivay, for its tourism, thanks to the Colca Canyon, and the town of Camaná, thanks to the port of Quilca and beach tourism.16.6% of the road network in the department is paved, with Arequipa, Caravelí, Camaná and Caylloma the provinces with the highest percentage of this type of surface, this is the second most interconnected department in terms of telecommunications, after Lima, since it has 111.2 thousand fixed telephony lines, with a teledensity of 9 lines per 100 inhabitants and a density of 31.84 mobile lines per 100 inhabitants. It is one of the few departments where the use of the voseo is recorded in the daily speech of the people, typical of the Loncco dialect.