All the chats in Totonicapán

  1. Chats in Totonicapán
  2. Chats in San Francisco El Alto
  3. Chats in Momostenango
  4. Chats in San Andrés Xecul
  5. Chats in Santa María Chiquimula
  6. Chats in San Cristóbal Totonicapán

The Department of Totonicapán is located in the South-Western region of Guatemala. It limits to the North with the department of Huehuetenango. To the South with the department of Sololá. To the East with the department of Quiché. And to the west with the department of Quetzaltenango. The departmental capital is located at a distance of approximately 203 kilometers from the capital city. The region that occupies the modern Totonicapán, was the second province in importance of the Quiche manor governed from Q'umarkaj during the pre-Columbian era and during the colonial era was part of the corregimiento of the same name.

In 1820, towards the end of the colony, an indigenous revolt led by Atanasio Tzul rose against the peninsular and creole authorities, but was repressed by ladino militiamen, mainly from San Carlos Écija.

After the Independence of Central America in 1821 it was part of the Totonicapán / Huehuetenango department In 1838, the city of Totonicapán was instrumental in the creation of the State of Los Altos, which was approved by the Congress of the Federal Republic of Central America in that The same year the liberal creoles of the region wanted to establish their own state with a port in Champerico and with the border with Mexico, but maintaining the indigenous taxes and the secular laws that had been implemented in Guatemala during the government of Mariano Gálvez and that led to the social outbreak of the peasantry that rose up against the liberal "heretics" who had expelled the monastic orders and entered into business with the Protestant English, which caused constant peasant revolts in Los Altos, and tension with Guatemala, until the hostilities erupted in 1840, and conservative mestizo general Rafael Carrera regained the region for Guatema the. The department of Totonicapán / Huehuetenango remained as such until August 12,1872, when the Liberal Revolution of 1871 had already triumphed six years after the death of General Carrera. On that date, the de facto government of the provisional president Miguel García Granados created the new department of Quiché taking a large part of the extensive territories of Totonicapán / Huehuetenango and Sololá / Suchitepéquez.