All the chats in Buenos Aires F.D.

  1. Chats in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA)
Buenos Aires F.D.

Buenos Aires or Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, as it appears in its own Constitution since 1996, is a city of the Argentine Republic of autonomous government, that is to say, its Government possesses own legislative and jurisdictional faculties, as well as judicial faculties that go It is one of the 24 "self-governing states" or first-order jurisdictions that make up Argentina and one of the 24 national legislative electoral districts. The CABA differs from the provinces due to which is also the federal capital of the country, it lacks the reserve of the non-delegated powers that the Constitution guarantees to the provinces and its status as an autonomous state is disputed. From 1880 to the present it is also called Federal Capital.

It is located in the center-east region of the country, on the western shore of the Río de la Plata, in the Pampean region. It is divided into 15 communes, which in turn cover all Buenos Aires neighborhoods. The jurisdictional limits of the CABA are as follows: it borders the Province of Buenos Aires to the south in the middle of the waters of the Matanza-Riachuelo River, although there is a meander of the Riachuelo in the Comuna 4, called Meander of Brian, where the limit with the Province of Buenos Aires becomes the projection of the rectification pending of the channel, so that in the area where the river borders the meander, both banks are part of the City of Buenos Aires. The demarcation is marked by the highway known as "Avenida General Paz".

To the north, there is a small stretch of no more than 2 km, between Mayor Cantilo Avenue and the Río de la Plata, where the boundary with the Province of Buenos Aires is partly an imaginary line of the extension of the Avenida General Peace that goes to another line that is the Raggio stream. All this northern limit is due to the fact that the General Paz highway does not end on the coast of the river but on the Intendente Cantilo Avenue. For the Northeast and part of the East, the Argentine capital limits with the River Plate and its waters that bathe the Buenosairean coast are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Argentine national State up to seven nautical miles from the coast. At the same time, by the East the limit is the waters of the mentioned river, except for a line that are found by: Presidente Ramón S.

Castillo Avenue, Corbeta Uruguay and Avenida Antártida Argentina and Avenida Lanchas to the Río de la Plata, returning then the limit in the line formed by Avenida España, Rawson Avenue of Dellepiane and the Dr. Arturo Balbín Highway, reaching the Riachuelo. This described line demarcates a limit for the East, between the jurisdiction pertaining to the CABA and a space under the jurisdiction of the National State, which is the Port of Buenos Aires. It is the city with the largest population in the country and the fourth most populated state or jurisdiction of the highest order, behind the following states: the Province of Buenos Aires, the Province of Córdoba and the Province of Santa Fe.

The final results of the 2010 census they accounted for the population of the city in 2 890 151 inhabitants and that of the Aglomerado Gran Buenos Aires, in 17 200 000 inhabitants, the latter being the second agglomerate of South America, Latin America, of the southern hemisphere and one of the 20 largest cities in the world. Buenos Aires is a cosmopolitan city and an important tourist destination, its complex infrastructure makes it one of the most important metropolis in America and it is a global alpha category city, given its influences in trade, finance, fashion, art, gastronomy, education, entertainment and mainly in its strong culture. According to a study on the quality of life of Mercer Human Resource Consulting, the city is ranked 93 in the world and second in Latin America after Montevideo, and its per capita income is among the highest in the region. The urban fabric resembles a fan that limits to the south, west and north with the province of Buenos Aires and to the east with the Río de la Plata.

Officially the city is divided into 48 districts that derive, the oldest, from the parishes established in the nineteenth century. The metropolis is an autonomous city that constitutes one of the 24 districts into which the country is divided. It has its own executive, legislative and judicial powers. Its urban profile is markedly eclectic. The Spanish viceregal styles, art deco, art nouveau, neo-gothic, Italianate, Bourbon French and French academicism are mixed. For this last addition to its development edilicio and marked European influence in its architecture in certain areas, is that it is known in the world by the nickname of "The Paris of America.".