Chat in Saltillo

Chat in Saltillo, Mexico

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How many users are in the chat of Saltillo?

The number of users in any chat depends on the time of the day. Saltillo has a population of 709.671 inhabitants.

Most of the users are connected to the chat during the afternoon and evening hours. This is the reason why it is always advisable to connect to the chat during peak hours, to experience the maximum number of users connected to the chat in Saltillo.

General information about Saltillo

Chat Saltillo

Saltillo is located at Coahuila (Mexico) and it has a population of 709.671 inhabitants.

Currently, there are 71 users from Saltillo connected to the chat. So, give it a try and connect to our online chats and chat with online users from Saltillo.

We have a list of chat rooms, which we update to the needs of each user. Therefore, we show you the link to the chat that best suits your search at any time.

More information about Saltillo

Saltillo is the most populous city and capital of the state of Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico. It is part of the Northern Region of Mexico. It has a population of 985,229 inhabitants, which makes it the seventeenth most populated city in Mexico and in its metropolitan area with the neighboring cities of Ramos Arizpe and Arteaga has 1,115,636 inhabitants, being as a whole the 20th largest metropolis in the country. Country. It has an area of ​​6,837 km² and is located in the Northeast region of Mexico and in the southeast region of Coahuila, it is surrounded by high mountains of the eastern mother mountain range and is located 400 km south of the border with Texas, United and 842 km from Mexico City.

Saltillo has had a very important role in the history of Mexico, in 1811, in full fervor of the Independence, the insurgents occupied Saltillo to go towards Parras and Monclova, in that same year, Allende and Hidalgo arrived at the Villa in retreat towards States Unidos, Hidalgo appointed Ignacio Lopez Rayón and José María Liceaga as leaders of the movement, and in 1847 the armies of Mexico and the United States fought near the capital, at the Battle of La Angostura. Another important moment in history is that in 1864 Benito Juarez established his government in that city. It also had a great importance in the postrevolutionary life of Mexico, where moments of vital importance for the nascent democracy of the country were lived, because the Constitution was decreed and the city was occupied by a revolutionary faction. The municipality rose up in arms against the government of Porfirio Díaz and it was a municipality where there were a lot of important revolutionaries besides it was host to meetings between armies such as the Huerta and the Carranza.

Related chat rooms

Chats of nearest cities to Saltillo
  1. 14.13km • Chat in Ramos Arizpe 66.554
  2. 16.1km • Chat in Arteaga 8.446
  3. 47.46km • Chat in General Cepeda 4.382
  4. 59.34km • Chat in García 93.641
  5. 61.45km • Chat in Santa Catarina 268.347
  6. 65.73km • Chat in San Pedro Garza García 122.009

How to be successful?

Keep in mind the timezone

The local time of Saltillo is GMT -6 hours. This time zone belongs to America/Monterrey.

GMT is an abbreviation of Standard Greenwich Time.

Everyone knows that the best hours to chat are the afternoon and evening. This is when free time is usually available, and therefore is more likely to find a chat partner. It is always advisable to look for the hours of greatest influx of users in the online chat rooms.

And on the other hand, in the period that includes the dawn until the afternoon of the following day, the level of users in the chat is lower.

This happens all over the world, since work schedules are usually morning and therefore it is in the evening when users have free time for leisure activities, such as online chats.

As a general rule, the largest influx of chats and leisure sites on the internet occurs in the afternoon and evening. Because of this, if you wish to initiate conversations with users connected to the chat in Saltillo, we recommend that you access the chats at the times when Saltillo is in the evening or at night.

Curiosities and other data about Saltillo


IATA code for Saltillo is SLW. IATA is an abbreviation of International Air Transport Association.

Saltillo is also known as:


Postal codes of Saltillo

25350, Arteaga Centro
25352, La Partición
25353, Abraham Cepeda

Elevation above sea level of Saltillo

The elevation in meters above the sea level of Saltillo is 1592.

This means that a resident of Saltillo has an air with an atmospheric pressure of 82,56 percent with respect to atmospheric pressure at sea level equivalent.

Chat in Saltillo, Coahuila
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