All the chats in Santa Catarina Mechoacán

  1. Free chat in Santa Catarina Mechoacán
Santa Catarina Mechoacán

Santa Catarina Mechoacán is a municipality belonging to the Mexican state of Oaxaca. It is located at coordinates 97°50 'west longitude, 16°20' north latitude at a height of 280 meters above sea level. It limits to the north with San Agustín Chayuco and the municipality of Santiago Jamiltepec. To the south with San Andrés Huaxpaltepec, Santa María Huazolotitlán and the municipality of Santiago Jamiltepec. To the west with the municipality of San Andrés Huaxpaltepec and San Lorenzo. To the east with the municipality of Santiago Jamiltepec. It belongs to the District of Jamiltepec. Its approximate distance to the capital of the state is 432 kilometers. The total area of ​​the municipality is 51.45 km², representing 0.06% of the total area of ​​the state.