All the chats in Carácuaro

  1. Free chat in Carácuaro

Carácuaro which means "Place of slope", is a population located in the region of Tierra Caliente, in Mexico. It is located southeast of Michoacán, 135 km from the capital. It limits to the north with the municipality of Madero, to the east with the one of Tiquicheo, to the south with the one of Huetamo, to the west with the one of Turicato and to the northeast with the one of Nocupétaro. Account with a territorial extension of 981 km2 representing 1.7% of the total surface of State. It is located at coordinates 19°01 'north latitude and 101°west longitude at a height of 540 meters above sea level.

It has a tropical climate with rain in summer and average temperatures ranging from 19.7°C to 33°C. This municipality counts on great natural resources, the tropical forest predominates with parota and tepeguaje, owns trees like the pine and bushes of different species. Deer, coyotes, rabbits, foxes, armadillos, badgers, vultures, güilotas, calandrias and crows make up their fauna. The agricultural activity prevails with the cultivation of corn and sesame, livestock ranks second, headed by cattle, followed by pigs, goats and sheep. Fishing and trade are also part of its economy. The health services it has are medical units of the ISSSTE, IMSS, Secretary of Health and DIF. For education there are 70 educational sites, ranging from preschool, primary, secondary, high school and job training. The population has tianguis and grocery stores that supply their products first hand.

Basketball courts, allow their residents to perform sports activities. In terms of construction, most are adobe with tile roof, there is also partition with concrete and wood. The population counts in its majority with services of potable water, drainage, electrification, garbage collection, public security, parks and gardens. There is a foreign transport that gives transport to the population, and the municipality is accessed by the Carácuaro-Nocupétaro, Carácuaro-Eréndira paved road. The origins of Carácuaro date back to pre-Columbian times as a small Chichimeca village, of which there is not much information. Nor is there any record that the Purhepecha population has dominated this town.

However, it is known that in the time of King Taricuauri, Tangaxoán was designated as Lord of the South Region or Region of Negrura and there is a possibility that he had founded Carácuaro. Upon the arrival of the Spaniards, this village was part of the encomienda of Cuitzeo and in 1581 it received the image of Christ Crucified, which originally fray Juan Bautista de Moya had given to a town in the State of Mexico, but was rejected. With time the Black Christ gained fame for fulfilling "miracles" and with time he has been venerated as a saint, known as "The Lord of Carácuaro". Website: https: // caracuaro. Com/.