All the chats in Polotitlán

  1. Free chat in Polotitlán de la Ilustración

The town of Polotitlán de la Ilustración is located in the Municipality of Polotitlán. It has 2819 inhabitants. Polotitlán de la Ilustración is 2,300 meters above sea level. In the locality there are 1320 men and 1499 women. The ratio of women to men is 1,136. The fertility rate of the female population is 2.37 children per woman. The percentage of illiteracy among adults is 2.52% and the level of schooling is 8.74. In Polotitlán de la Ilustración, 0.11% of adults speak an indigenous language. In the town there are 712 homes, of which 5.36% have a computer. It is a municipality of the state of Mexico with characteristics of rural type. Polotitlán is located 12.5 km north of Toluca on federal highway No.55.

Leaving Mexico City, you will arrive by the highway to Querétaro with a distance of 121 km. Its climate is temperate.