All the chats in Los Ríos

  1. Chats in Cantón Babahoyo
  2. Chats in Cantón Quevedo
  3. Chats in Cantón Urdaneta
  4. Chats in Cantón Ventanas
  5. Chats in Cantón Vinces
Los Ríos

The Province of Los Ríos is one of the 24 provinces that make up the Republic of Ecuador, located in the center of the country, in the geographical area known as the coastal region or coast. Its administrative capital is the city of Babahoyo, while the largest and most populated city is Quevedo. It occupies a territory of about 6.254 km², being the fifteenth province of the country by extension. Bordered on the north by Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, on the east by Cotopaxi and Bolívar, northwestern with Manabí and west and south by Guayas.

In the territory of Fluminense there are 778,115 people, according to the last national census, being the fourth most populated province of the country after Guayas, Pichincha and Manabí. The Province of Los Ríos is made up of 13 cantons, with their respective urban and rural parishes. It is one of the most important administrative, economic, financial and commercial centers of Ecuador. The main activities of the province are the commerce, the cattle ranch, the industry and the agriculture. The area of ​​the province was the cradle of ancient cultures such as Chorrera and Milagro-Quevedo. Colonized the region, in 1596 was organized as Tenancy, dependent on the Corregimiento of Guayaquil. After the independence war and the annexation of Ecuador to the Gran Colombia, the Province of Guayaquil was created on June 25,1824, in which within its limits is the current territory of Fluminense.

On October 6,1860 the twelfth province of the country is created, the Province of Los Ríos.