All the chats in Vanegas

  1. Free chat in Vanegas

Vanegas is a place in Mexico. It is located in the municipality of Vanegas and the state of San Luis Potosí, in the central part of the country, 500 km north of the capital Mexico City. Vanegas is 1 739 meters above sea level and the number of inhabitants is 7 902. The terrain around Vanegas is a plateau. The highest point nearby is Cerro La Calabaza, 2,941 meters above sea level, 17,3 km south of Vanegas. Around Vanegas, it is very sparsely populated, with 2 inhabitants per square kilometer. Vanegas is the largest community in the area. The surroundings around Vanegas are essentially an open shrub landscape. The average temperature in the neighborhood is 23°C.

The hottest month is May, when the average temperature is 30°C, and the coldest is January, with 14°C. The average annual rainfall is 647 millimeters. The wettest month is September, with an average of 202 mm of precipitation, and the driest is January, with 20 mm of precipitation.