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Atempan, is one of the 217 municipalities in which the Mexican state of Puebla is divided, belongs to the Sierra Norte of the state, and although it formerly belonged to the ancient limits of Tlatlauquitepec and Teziutlán, in the pre-Hispanic period, there were human settlements belonging to the cultures otomies and totonacos, verifying the proximity with what is known as Cuetzalan, at the same time the proximity of Xiutetelco and Papantla is verified. During the sixteenth century, the inhabitants of this town were subdued by the Spaniards, because for the beauty of their lands and their huge land soils, it provided and to date delicious fruits typical of the climate of this region.

Atempan, bordered by the municipalities of Teteles de Ávila Castillo to the north, to the south with the municipality of Chignautla as well as to the east and west with the municipality of Tlatlauquitepec, its approximate area is 34.45 square kilometers, which places it in the its place number 148 before the geographical situation of the poblano state, its parallels are 19º 46 '48' 'and 19º 46' 48 '' of latitude North and the meridians of 97º 23 '18' 'and 97º 26' 42 '' of western longitude. The height above sea level of the municipality of Atempan is varied according to the injured area and because it belongs to the Sierra Madre Oriental, it tends from 1990 to 2300 meters above sea level.