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Villa Corzo

See also Ciudad de Villa Corzo. The city of Villa Corzo is the municipal seat of a Mexican municipality of the same name, it is part of the Fraylesca Region, in the southern state of Chiapas, in Mexico. The extensive and rich municipality of Villa Corzo is located in the central depression of the state, in a portion that in pre-Hispanic times belonged to the cacicazgo of the Chiapanecas. At the time of the Colony it passed to the domain of the Dominican friars, who founded haciendas called Frailescas.

On November 5,1873, the Governor of the State, Pantaleón Domínguez, promulgated the decree declaring the town of the State to the congregation of families residing in the La Trinidad land, located in the department of Chiapa, under the denomination of Trinindad de la Ley. It was during the government of the great jurist Emilio Rabasa when the denomination of Trinidad of the Law changes, by that of Villa Corzo in honor of the illustrious Benemérito del Estado, Angel Albino Corzo and by decree issued on November 3,1893.