All the chats in Golfito

  1. Free chat in Golfito

Golfito is the 7th canton of the Province of Puntarenas, on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The head is Golfito, which is located about 290km from San José, and about 40km from the border with Panama. According to the 2011 National Census, the population of the canton was 39,150 inhabitants, of which 3.7% were born abroad. The same census highlights that there were 11,576 occupied homes, of which 45.1% were in good condition and there were problems of overcrowding in 7.2% of the houses.46.9% of its inhabitants lived in urban areas. Among other data, the level of literacy in the canton is 96.0%, with an average schooling of 7.0 years. Golfito is part of the Brunca Region, more specifically the so-called Zona Sur.

It is the southernmost canton of the country, incorporating into its territory the Dulce Gulf, more than half of the Osa Peninsula and the Costa Rican section of the Burica Peninsula.