All the chats in Delaware

  1. Chats in Kent County
  2. Chats in New Castle County
  3. Chats in Sussex County

Delaware is one of fifty states that, together with Washington D. C., form the United States of America. Its capital is Dover and its most populous city, Wilmington. It is located in the Northeast region of the country, Middle Atlantic Division, bounded on the north by Pennsylvania, on the northeast by the Delaware Bay that separates it from New Jersey, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the south by Maryland. With 6447 km² it is the second least extensive state -before Rhode Island-, with 897 934 inhabitants.

In 2010, the sixth least populated, ahead of South Dakota, Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming, and with 139.28 inhabitants / km², the sixth most densely populated, behind New Jersey, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maryland. It was the first state admitted to the Union, on December 7,1787, as you can read on its flag. Despite its small size, Delaware is a large financial center. More than 200 thousand companies are headquartered in the state. This happens thanks to state laws that grant tax benefits to companies that decide to set up their headquarters in the state, attracting even many who operate mainly outside it. This fact gave the state the nickname of The Land of Free-Tax Shopping. Therefore, this state is also one of the largest banking centers in the United States. It also has a strong petrochemical industry. Delaware was initially colonized by the Dutch and by the Swedes.

It was also one of the Thirteen Colonies of the United Kingdom. After the War of Independence of the United States, it was the first American state to ratify the Constitution of the United States, on December 7,1787. Therefore, the state is known nationally as The First State. The name of the state comes from the Delaware River, because it is located at the margins of this river and its estuary, the Delaware Bay. The origin of the name Delaware, on the other hand, comes from Thomas West Tercero, Baron de La Warr, who was governor of Virginia between 1610 and 1618.