All the chats in Barahona

  1. Chats in Barahona
  2. Chats in Cabral
  3. Chats in El Peñón
  4. Chats in Enriquillo
  5. Chats in Fundación
  6. Chats in Jaquimeyes
  7. Chats in La Ciénaga
  8. Chats in Las Salinas
  9. Chats in Vicente Noble

Barahona is one of the 32 provinces of the Dominican Republic located in the southwest of the country. It is part of the Enriquillo Region, next to the provinces of Bahoruco, Independencia and Pedernales. It limits to the northwest with the Bahoruco province, to the northeast with Azua, to the west with Independencia, to the south and southwest with Pedernales and to the east it has the Caribbean Sea. The provincial capital is the city of Santa Cruz de Barahona.